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A Perfect Dozen

A Perfect Dozen

A dozen red roses are always perfect, always savored. We add even more charming beauty with seeded e..


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Heavenly Half-Dozen

Heavenly Half-Dozen

Sending thoughtful greetings and warmest regards, half-dozen roses with waxflower and curly willow b..


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Her First Flowers

Her First Flowers

Sweet pink roses, Gerbera daisies and tulips are sure to delight the new little miss and her thankfu..


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The beauty of red roses and gerbera daisies add a special touch of elegance and vibrancy...


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Sweetly Stated

Sweetly Stated

Sweet, simple and stunning! We pack a garden of glorious blooms in a bud vase and deliver your wishe..


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Victorian Memory

Victorian Memory

Pinks and reds in a lovely Victorian look to brighten the day of that someone special. Occasionally,..


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Enjoy the classic style presented in this charming arrangement of pinks and purples.  Stat..


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Designer's Collection: Lovely Elegance

Designer's Collection: Lovely Elegance

Our Lovely Elegance bouquet is a majestic combination of pink hues, perfect for expressing eve..


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Hearts of Pink

Hearts of Pink

This elegant arrangement of 10 hot pink dendrobium orchids says it all, "thank you, you are wonderul..


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Hearts of Pink II

Hearts of Pink II

A larger version of our original "Hearts of Pink" arrangement of hot pink dendrobium orchids (2..


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Natural Stargaze

Natural Stargaze

Rich jewel-toned blossoms are grounded by accents of nature.  Striking stargazer lilies, roses ..


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Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

This pretty in pink bundle is sure to make someone blush.  Gerbera daisies, purple liatris, and..


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Sweet Devotion Bouquet

Sweet Devotion Bouquet

Garden-inspired bouquet featuring shades of lavender and magenta complemented by a purple textu..


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Sweetest Crush

Sweetest Crush

A gorgeous mix of blooms in soft pastel shades.. Occasionally, substitutions may be necessary due to..


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Thoughts of You

Thoughts of You

Let them know how often they are thought of with this stunning arrangement...


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Showing 1 to 15 of 16 (2 Pages)